When I started to use my Pi5 in May 24 it was my intention to add both M.2 and POE HATs but I was foiled by component mix and matching. I had bought the new Raspberry Pi M.2 HAT and a small Waveshare POE hoping to be able fit them both. What stopped me was that the POE HAT would have to be raised above the Raspberry Pi heatsink/fan then the M2 HAT raised above that and trying to find the combination of headers to accomodate that.
Since I re-cased the Pi5 it has performed very well but it really is time to add POE+

The change I'm going to make is to replace the Raspberry Pi M.2 HAT with a combined M.2/POE+ HAT by Pineboards.

The Waveshare POE HAT and the Pineboards POE+ HAT.

The Pineboards HAT will replace the Raspberry Pi M.2 HAT.

I started by removing the Raspberry Pi HAT and inserting the new POE header extensions and pillars. The pillars are 4mm taller than the old ones and the Pineboard HAT is also taller due to the transformer. I then transferred the SSD to the new HAT and inserted the ribbon cable at both ends. I had to extend the lid pillars by 8mm making the case a good bit taller.

First power on via the POE switch and plenty of LED's to let me know it running OK.

Case lid back on. One observation is that this HAT runs a bit warmer round the PSU area but the open case design copes with this without any problems.

One last photo - a close up showing the small overhang of the HAT which nearly caused problems with the case pillars and the GPIO header extension doesn't leave a lot of length to plug a ribbon cable in.
I can now tidy away my Pi5 PSU and I see the side extension is only used for the HDMI..could I find a smaller extenstion board..