
Motherwell & Glasgow Central Protocol Converters - 1985/86

These Z80 Protocol Converters are ScR Co-Sytems based on the same Mostek Boards as used with the Train Describers and were used at Motherwell and Glasgow Central to interface the Cathcart TD, DOO, Trust and Passenger Informations systems to the GEC-Elliot 905 TD Computer.

An Interface board was built to form the link between the Z80 and the 905 with ASAD Cards used for serial links to adjacent systems.

The Buffer card design and Pen Plots.

If you click on the photo the rear Co-System can be seen in the left hand rack - unfortunately it's the only photo I have and the 1st Line Manual.

Motherwell-Newton SSI to GEC Elliot 905 Converter - 1990

This interface consisted of a RS422/232 converter, a Control Card and an Interface to the 905 TD MARCH system. This converted the SSI BR1922/A TD stepping data to a format readable for the GEC-Elliot 905.

Sighthill Protocol Converter - 1992

The protocol conversion at Sighthill was to connect the Vaughan Harmon TD to the Plessey SMA.

We used the Line Routing Card to convert the TD's BR1800 protocol to the SMA's ScR3 protocol.

The manual provides a full description is of how we did the conversion.